Burning people to death is not politics

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina firmly stated today that no one will be permitted to benefit from committing violent acts such as burning people alive or disrupting the upcoming general election scheduled for January 7.

Speaking at a Christmas Day event with the Christian community at her official Ganabhaban residence, Sheikh Hasina declared, "In the land of Bangla, no one will be allowed to profit from such heinous acts, including sabotaging the election."

Sheikh Rehana, the younger daughter of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and sister of the Prime Minister, was also present on the stage.

The Prime Minister strongly condemned those responsible for orchestrating and executing these brutal attacks. She referenced a specific incident where a mother and her child were tragically killed in a fire set on a passenger train by the BNP-Jamaat group. "We cannot tolerate such atrocities," she affirmed.

Sheikh Hasina questioned the rationale behind such violence, including burning people, derailing trains, and destroying public property, all for political gain. "I fail to understand the type of politics that resorts to such brutality," she stated.

Highlighting that committing such acts is a grave sin and injustice, Sheikh Hasina said, "This cannot be endured any longer. Such acts are condemned by all religions. Jesus Christ himself sacrificed his life for humanity."

She stressed that the core teachings of all religions revolve around humanity and the betterment of mankind, principles upon which her government bases its governance.

The Prime Minister emphasized that Bangladesh is a land for everyone, regardless of their religion, caste, or profession. "Everyone here lives freely, and we aspire for the welfare and development of all," she remarked.

Sheikh Hasina also noted that as a secular state, Bangladesh ensures the freedom of religious practice for all faiths. "Religion is a personal matter, but festivals are for everyone to celebrate together," she said.

Praising Bangladesh's role as a model of secularism and religious harmony on the global stage, she mentioned how Bangladeshis, irrespective of their faith, participate in all religious festivals.

Reflecting on the country's history, Sheikh Hasina recalled how people of all religions fought together for Bangladesh's independence. She reaffirmed her commitment to transforming Bangladesh into a developed and prosperous 'Smart Sonar Bangla' by 2041, highlighting the country's progress towards development.

Addressing the situation in Gaza, she expressed deep regret over the ongoing violence, especially against children and women, in the birthplace of Jesus Christ. "I consistently advocate for peace in the international arena," she added.

The Prime Minister extended her Christmas greetings to the Christian community in Bangladesh and around the world.

The event also saw the participation of key figures such as State Minister for Religious Affairs Faridul Haque Khan, Archbishop Bejoy Nicephorus D'Cruze, and leaders from the Bangladesh Christian Association. The Archbishop of Dhaka Archdiocese Bejoy Nicephorus D'Cruze and President of the Bangladesh Christian Association Nirmal Rozario presented a Christmas greeting card to the Prime Minister. The function included performances of Christmas carols and patriotic songs by members of the Christian community.


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