45 more dead deer recovered in Sundarbans

Cyclone: ​​45 more dead deer recovered in Sundarbans

The aftermath of Cyclone Rimal has revealed significant devastation in the Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On Thursday, May 30, another 45 dead deer were recovered from various areas, including Katka and Kachikhali. This brings the total number of deer casualties to 96 over the past three days,

English Poet Sujit Halder's Struggle and Call for Support

This report aims to shed light on the life and struggles of English poet Sujit Halder, who hails from a poor family in the Porakatla village of Shyamnagar upazila in the Satkhira district of Bangladesh. It also highlights his plea for government support to retrieve his academic certificates and overcome financial challenges. Sujit Halder, born into a humble family, faced financial hardships from an early age. His father, Haricaran Halder, works as a farmer, while his mother, Sheela Rani Halder, is a housewife. Despite financial constraints, Sujit displayed talent and passion for poetry, which

Farmers are hopeful of a bumper crop of winter chillies

The Khulna Agriculture region is poised to witness a substantial winter green chilli harvest during the current Robi season. Despite slight deviations from the initial cultivation targets, farmers remain optimistic about bumper yields owing to favorable weather conditions. In the 2023-24 fiscal year, a target was set to cultivate winter green chilli on 1,273 hectares of land across Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, and Narail districts, aiming for a production of 2,960 tonnes. However, cultivation occurred on 1,245 hectares, slightly below the target. Nevertheless, farmers are hopeful for abundant