Farmers are hopeful of a bumper crop of winter chillies

Farmers are hopeful of a bumper crop of winter chillies

Farmers are hopeful of a bumper crop of winter chillies

The Khulna Agriculture region is poised to witness a substantial winter green chilli harvest during the current Robi season. Despite slight deviations from the initial cultivation targets, farmers remain optimistic about bumper yields owing to favorable weather conditions.

In the 2023-24 fiscal year, a target was set to cultivate winter green chilli on 1,273 hectares of land across Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, and Narail districts, aiming for a production of 2,960 tonnes. However, cultivation occurred on 1,245 hectares, slightly below the target. Nevertheless, farmers are hopeful for abundant production given the conducive weather conditions.

Winter green chilli cultivation is gaining momentum in the Khulna agricultural region due to its profitability and high market demand. Despite initial challenges such as adverse weather conditions affecting cultivation, farmers are resilient and expect to surpass production targets.

The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) set various production targets across different districts. In Khulna, 593 tonnes of winter green chilli were targeted from 237 hectares, with cultivation exceeding the target by nine hectares. Similarly, Bagerhat aimed to cultivate 391 hectares with a production target of 948 tonnes. Satkhira and Narail districts targeted 420 and 225 hectares, respectively, for winter chilli farming.

To support farmers and boost production, the DAE has implemented several initiatives, including incentive distribution and need-based training. These efforts aim to enhance productivity and ensure the successful cultivation of winter green chilli despite initial challenges.

The cultivation of winter green chilli has had a positive impact on farmers, contributing to their financial stability and overall well-being. The increasing adoption of winter chilli cultivation alongside other vegetables is indicative of its economic viability and potential for growth in the region.

The anticipated winter green chilli production in the Khulna Agriculture region reflects the resilience and determination of local farmers despite challenges. With favorable weather conditions and ongoing support from agricultural authorities, the region is poised to achieve significant yields, thereby benefiting farmers and contributing to the agricultural economy.

Continued support and assistance from agricultural authorities should be provided to farmers, particularly in terms of technical guidance and access to resources. Additionally, efforts to promote winter green chilli cultivation and its market potential should be intensified to maximize benefits for farmers and stakeholders in the agricultural sector.


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