Rangpur student killed during quota reform protest 

Rangpur, Bangladesh – In a tragic escalation of the ongoing anti-quota protests, a student from Begum Rokeya University (BRUR) was killed during a clash with police in Rangpur. The incident occurred around 3 pm on Tuesday, July 16.
The deceased student, Abu Sayeed, was a coordinator of the

Floods Wreak Havoc in Kurigram: Thousands Affected

Kurigram is facing a severe flood crisis as the Brahmaputra and Dharla rivers have breached their flood lines due to upstream hill slopes and heavy rainfall. This situation has left approximately 50,000 residents waterlogged, according to local public representatives. Widespread Impact The deteriorating flood conditions have forced many residents in various areas of Kurigram to take refuge inside their homes for several days. Women, children, and the elderly are particularly vulnerable, enduring days of helplessness surrounded by muddy floodwaters. Abdul Gafur, Chairman of Jatrapur Union

Sonahat Land Port: A Decade of Unfulfilled Potential

Sonahat Land Port, inaugurated as the 18th land port of Bangladesh in 2013, is located in the Bhurungamari upazila. Despite being recognized for its substantial potential in revenue generation, the port has faced significant challenges due to the absence of an immigration system. This report delves into the current state of Sonahat Land Port, its operational challenges, and the pressing need for immigration facilities to boost trade and revenue. Sonahat Land Port was launched on September 4, 2013, primarily to facilitate the import and export of goods between India and Bangladesh, including