BCS exam question paper leak cycle

Urging Transparency and Justice in the BCS Exam Scandal

In recent years, the integrity of Bangladesh's Civil Service (BCS) examination process has been called into serious question. Reports from various newspapers and electronic media have shed light on a deeply troubling issue: BCS exam question papers have been leaked and sold to candidates for exorbitant sums of money

Accountability is essential for a corruption-free republic

The measures currently in place to address corruption among public servants—such as transfer, dismissal, or compulsory retirement—are insufficient and counterproductive. Instead of deterring corruption, these practices often foster a culture where unethical behavior can thrive with minimal consequences. It is imperative that public servants who engage in corrupt activities face the same legal processes as any other citizen, ensuring that justice is served and setting a strong precedent for deterrence. Departmental measures have become the norm when allegations of corruption surface.

Benazir and Aziz Corruption: Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Mostafizur rahman : Bangladesh stands at a critical crossroads. The recent revelations of corruption involving high-ranking officials such as former police chief Benazir Ahmed and former army chief Aziz Ahmed are just the visible part of a much larger problem. If left unchecked, this pervasive corruption threatens to derail the country's development progress and undermine public trust in its institutions. It is imperative to take decisive action to address this scourge and restore integrity to governance. The Corruption Epidemic Corruption in Bangladesh is not a new phenomenon. During