Vote for boat to continue development

Awami League (AL) leader and Prime Minister

Awami League (AL) leader and Prime Minister

Awami League (AL) leader and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called for support for the "boat" symbol, representing her party, promising a future of growth and prosperity for the nation.

Addressing a rally at Pirganj Government High School, Hasina highlighted the historical significance of the boat symbol, which she associated with independence and economic progress. "This boat has been our vessel to independence and our guide towards economic freedom. It will lead us to a developed and prosperous nation," she stated.

Emphasising the importance of continued development, Hasina straightforwardly encouraged the audience: "To sustain our progress, your vote for the 'boat' is essential."

Connecting personally with the audience, she said, "As the daughter-in-law of this region, I ask you – won't you give me your vote? I urge you to support me."

She promoted Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, her party's candidate for the constituency, as a trusted choice. "A vote for the boat is akin to voting for me, for progress," she added, mentioning her sister Sheikh Rehana's presence at the event.

Hasina also spoke against the violent acts attributed to the BNP-Jamaat alliance, urging unity to combat such threats. "We must stand together against arson, destruction, and killings. Stay vigilant," she implored.

Reflecting on her party's consecutive electoral victories since 2008, Hasina celebrated the uninterrupted democratic process in Bangladesh, while criticizing those opposed to this stability.

She accused the BNP-Jamaat of recent violent acts, condemning their tactics as despicable and warning especially the youth and students to remain alert. "Those engaging in such terror must be stopped and punished. We cannot allow lives to be endangered," she asserted.

Hasina emphasized her government's commitment to the welfare of the people, contrasting it with the destructive agenda of the opposition. "Our focus is on improving your lives, while they aim to disrupt and destroy. Stay alert and prevent their harmful actions," she added.

Reminding the crowd of past resistance against BNP-Jamaat and urging support for Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, she reinforced her call for votes for the Awami League.

The event saw a warm reception for Hasina and Sheikh Rehana, with local AL leaders, including Dr. Chaudhury, addressing the gathering.

Hasina also visited her family in Pirganj, paying respects at her husband's grave, in a visit marked by festive celebrations in the district.

Earlier, landing at Syedpur Airport, she attended rallies at Taraganj and Mithapukur, promoting AL candidates Abul Kalam Mohammad Ahasanul Huq Chowdhury and Rasheq Rahman for the Rangpur-2 and Rangpur-5 constituencies, respectively.

Recalling her 2018 and 2013 public addresses in the region, Hasina began her election campaign in Sylhet-1, following traditional shrine visits, and held virtual rallies in multiple districts, underscoring her extensive campaign efforts.


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