PM Sheikh Hasina's Vision

Building a disaster-resilient, prosperous Bangladesh

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

In a message delivered on the occasion of 'National Disaster Preparedness Day,' Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed unwavering optimism in steering Bangladesh towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Emphasizing the goal of creating a disaster-tolerant, hunger-poverty-free, and developed-prosperous Bangladesh by 2041, the Prime Minister reflected on the nation's historical efforts in disaster preparedness.

Historical Perspective

Highlighting the visionary role of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina underscored his pioneering efforts in formulating sustainable and integrated disaster risk reduction programs. Initiatives such as the Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP) and the establishment of the Betbunya Geo-satellite Center in 1975 showcased Bangladesh's commitment to advanced telecommunications and early warning systems.

Continuation of Legacy

The Prime Minister noted the government's dedication to continuing the unfinished works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Through modern technology and disaster preparedness programs, Bangladesh has witnessed a significant reduction in the loss of life and property, transitioning from traditional 'post-disaster relief management' to 'advance management.'

Empowering Communities

Sheikh Hasina highlighted the expansion and modernization of 'Mujib Killa' shelters, transforming them into safe and sustainable havens for humans and animals. The inclusion of women volunteers in the Cyclone Preparedness Program has contributed to achieving sustainable development goals in disaster risk reduction management. The Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief's recognition with the United Nations Public Service Medal-2021 in the Gender Responsive category attests to Bangladesh's progress.

Statistical Progress

Analyzing statistical data, the Prime Minister showcased the remarkable decrease in casualties during disasters. Comparing historical events like Cyclone Bhola in 1970 to recent occurrences, such as Cyclone Mokha in 2023, the number of deaths has seen a significant decline, meeting the conditions of the 'Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction' and earning global acclaim.

Strategic Framework

Considering Bangladesh's geographical vulnerability to disasters, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina outlined the 'Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.' This comprehensive plan aims to build a robust disaster management framework, incorporating timely laws, regulatory plans, and standing orders to mitigate climate change and reduce disaster-related damages.

The Prime Minister's vision for Bangladesh reflects a resilient journey towards sustainable development and disaster preparedness. With historical foundations laid by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and contemporary initiatives, Bangladesh emerges as a global model for effective disaster management and sustainable growth.


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