Dhaka-Brazil comprehensive cooperation agreement signed

Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud

Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud

Foreign Ministers of Bangladesh and Brazil engaged in productive discussions encompassing bilateral ties, regional initiatives, and multilateral cooperation during a meeting held in Dhaka. Both nations expressed commitment to enhancing cooperation across various sectors, including agriculture, technology, climate change, and trade. The discussions culminated in the signing of agreements and reinforced the longstanding friendship between the two countries.

Key Points

Bilateral Talks: Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud described the discussions as fruitful, covering diverse issues such as taxation, investment, and trade. Both parties emphasized the importance of increasing cooperation in sectors like agriculture, technology, education, and climate change mitigation.

BRICS Membership: Bangladesh's interest in joining BRICS was affirmed by the Brazilian Foreign Minister, highlighting Bangladesh's potential contributions to the alliance. It was noted that Bangladesh shares principles with BRICS member states, reinforcing its suitability for membership.

Upcoming Visit: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's anticipated visit to Brazil in July was discussed, following an invitation extended by Brazilian President Lula. This visit is expected to strengthen bilateral ties and foster collaboration between the two countries.

Technical Cooperation: An agreement on Technical Cooperation between Bangladesh and Brazil was signed, marking a significant step towards strengthening ties and fostering mutual development through the exchange of expertise and resources.

Trade and Investment: Both countries acknowledged the immense potential for business and trade promotion, with trade between Bangladesh and Brazil surpassing 2 billion dollars in recent years. Efforts to explore new business opportunities were underscored, including initiatives by business delegations from Brazil.

MERCOSUR-Bangladesh PTA: Discussions also centered on concluding a Preferential Trade Agreement between MERCOSUR and Bangladesh, aimed at enhancing business opportunities and private sector engagement.

Multilateral Engagement: Bangladesh and Brazil reaffirmed their commitment to multilateralism, expressing intent to collaborate on various global platforms such as the UN Summit of the Future and UNFCCC COP30.

Diplomatic Engagements: The visit included diplomatic engagements, including paying tribute to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and delivering lectures at the Foreign Service Academy of Bangladesh.

The discussions between Bangladesh and Brazil underscored the shared commitment to strengthening bilateral ties and fostering cooperation across various sectors. Agreements on technical cooperation and trade initiatives demonstrate the tangible progress made during the visit. Both nations expressed optimism about the future trajectory of their relationship, highlighting the potential for further collaboration in the years to come.

This report provides an overview of the key discussions and outcomes of the productive meeting between Bangladesh and Brazil, highlighting the importance of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in advancing shared goals and interests.


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