India advises citizens to avoid traveling to Iran-Israel

India advises citizens to avoid traveling to Iran-Israel

India advises citizens to avoid traveling to Iran-Israel

The Ministry of External Affairs issued a travel advisory on Friday, urging all Indian citizens to avoid traveling to Iran or Israel until further notice. The advisory comes in the wake of escalating tensions in the region, fueled by recent events including a strike on Iran's consulate in Syria and subsequent threats of reprisal from Tehran. The situation has raised concerns about the potential for further violence in the Middle East.

  1. Iran blamed Israel for the airstrike on its consulate in Syria, heightening tensions between the two nations.
  2. Fears have emerged that Iran may retaliate with an attack on Israel, prompting concerns about the safety of travelers in the region.
  3. The travel advisory advises Indian nationals currently residing in Iran or Israel to register themselves with the nearest Indian Embassies and exercise extreme caution.
  4. It emphasizes limiting movements to essential activities only and underscores the need for heightened safety measures given the volatile situation.
  5. The advisory follows Iran's vow of revenge for the April 1 airstrike on its embassy compound in Damascus, which resulted in the death of a top Iranian general and six other military officers.


  1. Indian citizens are strongly urged to adhere to the travel advisory and avoid travel to Iran or Israel until tensions subside.
  2. Those currently residing in the affected regions should prioritize their safety by registering with Indian Embassies and minimizing non-essential movements.
  3. It is advised to stay updated on developments through official channels and follow any further instructions from the Ministry of External Affairs.
  4. Travelers should remain vigilant and exercise caution in light of the heightened security concerns in the Middle East.

The issuance of the travel advisory underscores the gravity of the situation in the Middle East, where tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated following recent events. Indian citizens are urged to prioritize their safety and avoid travel to the affected regions until further notice. The Ministry of External Affairs continues to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as necessary.


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