Rare Leadership: Foreign Minister Praises Sheikh Hasina

Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud

Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud

Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud, in a recent event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, praised the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for propelling Bangladesh forward despite numerous challenges. He highlighted her resilience and determination in steering the nation towards prosperity and global recognition. Additionally, he criticized the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for its reliance on foreign protests, deeming it a significant political weakness.

Sheikh Hasina's Leadership

Dr. Hasan Mahmud commended Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her unwavering commitment to advancing Bangladesh's interests on the global stage. Despite facing adversity, including threats to her life, Sheikh Hasina has continued to lead the country with fortitude and resolve. Her efforts have elevated Bangladesh's standing in the international community, earning her admiration from world leaders and influencers.

Global Recognition

The Foreign Minister highlighted the global acclaim received by Sheikh Hasina, citing endorsements from prominent figures such as UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Indian politician Priyanka Gandhi. He emphasized Sheikh Hasina's pivotal role in international affairs, noting her ability to captivate attention and garner support at global forums. The Palestinian ambassador's acknowledgment of Sheikh Hasina's potential impact on conflicts further underscored her significance on the world stage.

Book Unveiling

During the event, Dr. Hasan Mahmud participated in the unveiling of the book 'Bhubanjora Sheikh Hasina's Asankhani', authored by Zafar Wazed, Director General of the Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB). The book serves as a tribute to Sheikh Hasina's leadership and contributions to Bangladesh's progress.

Critique of BNP

In contrast to Sheikh Hasina's leadership, Dr. Hasan Mahmud criticized the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) for its approach to politics, particularly its tendency to resort to foreign protests. He highlighted this as a significant weakness, suggesting that reliance on foreign influence undermines the party's credibility and prospects for governance. He emphasized Awami League's commitment to the power of the people and democratic processes.

Repatriation Efforts

Addressing a separate issue, Dr. Hasan Mahmud provided updates on repatriation efforts involving Myanmar's border guard personnel and stranded Bangladeshis. He announced that 285 members of Myanmar's border guard police and army, along with 150 Bangladeshi nationals, are scheduled to return via sea transport on April 22. However, the success of the journey depends on prevailing sea conditions and the situation in Myanmar.

Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Hasan Mahmud's remarks underscored the resilience of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's leadership and the challenges facing the opposition BNP. The event served as a platform to reflect on Bangladesh's progress under Sheikh Hasina's guidance and the importance of upholding democratic principles in governance and international relations.


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