School assembly closed due to heat warning

Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

In response to the prevailing heat alert across the country, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education has announced the closure of assemblies (daily gatherings) in all government primary schools until further notice. This decision comes amidst concerns over the ongoing heatwave and its potential impact on students and staff.

The Ministry, in its notification, stated that it is closely monitoring the heatwave situation and has decided to suspend assemblies in government primary schools nationwide until further instructions are issued.

The heatwave has been particularly intense, with Chuadanga recording the highest temperature of the year at 41.5 degrees Celsius on Friday. The Department of Meteorology has issued a heatwave warning for the next three days, emphasizing the severity of the situation. With temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius in several areas, fears of further intensification of the heatwave have been expressed.

In light of these conditions, concerns have been raised about the well-being of students attending educational institutions, prompting the Ministry's decision to close assemblies in government primary schools.

While secondary educational institutions have been on holiday since March 26 due to various occasions including Holy Ramadan, Independence Day, and Eid-ul-Fitr, primary schools, madrasas, and colleges are set to reopen on April 21. Despite the earlier start of vacations, regular classes will resume as scheduled.

Meanwhile, in neighboring West Bengal, India, summer vacation in government schools has been brought forward due to severe fire incidents. Schools will be closed from April 22 instead of the previously scheduled May 5, reflecting the urgency of the situation.

As the heatwave continues to pose challenges, authorities are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff across educational institutions.


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