Report on Eid Vacation Road Accidents

The Passenger Welfare Association

The Passenger Welfare Association

During the Eid vacation period from 4 April to 18 April, a concerning surge in road accidents was observed across the country. The Passenger Welfare Association, in collaboration with various sources including media reports and data from the national orthopedic hospital and rehabilitation center, compiled a comprehensive report detailing the grim statistics.

Key Findings

  1. A total of 399 road accidents were recorded, resulting in 407 fatalities and 1,398 injuries.
  2. Motorcycles were involved in nearly 50% of the accidents, contributing to 165 fatalities and 240 injuries.
  3. Accidents on rail tracks claimed 24 lives and caused 21 injuries, while accidents on river routes resulted in seven fatalities and five injuries.
  4. Compared to the previous Eid-ul-Fitr period, accidents increased by 31%, fatalities by 24%, and injuries by nearly 150%.
  5. The influx of travelers, with a 20% increase in homegoing individuals due to extended vacations, compounded the situation.

Nature of Accidents

Over 32% of accidents occurred on national highways, 10% on regional highways, and 50% on feeder roads.
Incidents of charging extra fare and harassment peaked during Eid trips despite the presence of regulating and law enforcement agencies.


  1. Urgent measures are required, including halting the import and registration of motorcycles and easy bikes.
  2. Enhancing lighting on national and regional highways is essential for improved visibility.
  3. Introducing a digital vehicle fitness checking system can ensure the roadworthiness of vehicles.
  4. Implementing separate lanes for slow and fast-moving vehicles could reduce accidents.
  5. Measures to curb extortion and regulate the working conditions of drivers are necessary for ensuring road safety.

Press Briefing

The report was disclosed by Mojammel Haque, Secretary General of the Passenger Welfare Association, at a press briefing held at the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity.

Former lawmaker Lutfunnessa Khan, public transport specialist Abdul Haque, President of the association Tawhidul Haque, and other officials were present at the briefing.

The alarming rise in road accidents during the Eid vacation demands immediate attention from authorities. Addressing the recommendations put forth by the Passenger Welfare Association is crucial to ensuring the safety of travelers and reducing the loss of lives on the roads. Effective coordination among stakeholders and swift implementation of measures are imperative to prevent such tragic incidents in the future.


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