Focus on climate change, not war

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

The UN Climate Adaptation Conference titled 'National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Expo 2024' commenced today at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference, organized by Bangladesh Climate Development Partnership (BCDP), aimed to address the pressing issues of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Opening Address by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the four-day conference with a keynote address emphasizing the urgent need for global action to combat climate change. She highlighted the detrimental impact of wars and excessive military expenditure on climate resilience efforts, advocating for redirecting these resources towards environmental protection.

Key Proposals by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

  1. Major carbon-emitting nations should take concrete steps to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  2. Developed countries must fulfill their commitment to providing an annual climate fund of $100 billion, evenly allocated between adaptation and mitigation efforts.
  3. Transfer of efficient energy solutions and technologies from developed to developing nations should be ensured.
  4. During the transition to renewable energy, development priorities of nations should consider the extent of loss and damage incurred.
  5. Shared responsibility among all nations for rehabilitating populations displaced by climate-induced factors like sea-level rise, salinity, and natural disasters.
  6. Collaboration among major economies and stakeholders for ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Bangladesh's Climate Resilience Initiatives

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina outlined Bangladesh's proactive measures in combating climate change impacts, including:

  1. Formulation of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for 2022-2050.
  2. Identification of 113 priority programs across 8 sectors to address climate risks.
  3. Requirement of $230 billion for implementing NAP action plans over the next 27 years.
  4. Establishment of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund and implementation of numerous adaptation projects.
  5. Success stories in disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, evidenced by minimal loss of life during recent cyclones.

Call to Action

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged developed nations to fulfill their financial commitments, double adaptation financing by 2025, and facilitate easy access to funds for NAP implementation. She stressed the importance of continued international support for vulnerable countries like Bangladesh, emphasizing the nation's minimal contribution to global emissions contrasted with its high vulnerability.


The UN Climate Adaptation Conference 2024 commenced with a resounding call for global cooperation and action to address the adverse impacts of climate change. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's proposals underscored the urgency of the situation and highlighted Bangladesh's exemplary efforts in climate resilience. The conference sets a pivotal stage for collaborative efforts towards building a sustainable and beautiful world for future generations.


Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury
Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Simon Stiell
Secretary of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Dr. Farhina Ahmed
UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Gwyn Lewis
Other distinguished guests and delegates.


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