Hamas blames Biden for failure of ceasefire

Criticism and Stalled Progress in Talks on War: A Report on the Remarks of President Joe Biden and Hamas' Response

Criticism and Stalled Progress in Talks on War: A Report on the Remarks of President Joe Biden and Hamas' Response

This report aims to provide an overview of the recent remarks made by American President Joe Biden regarding the possibility of implementing war, as well as the response from the Palestinian independence organization Hamas. The report will also touch upon the ongoing talks between Hamas and Israel, the alleged obstruction by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the meeting between the families of American citizens killed in Gaza and US officials.

President Joe Biden's comments at a fund-raising event in Seattle, Washington state, have drawn criticism from Hamas. Biden stated that war could be implemented if Hamas releases the terrorists in their custody. This remark has been seen as a setback to the progress of recent rounds of talks on deconfliction.

Hamas' Response

Hamas condemned President Biden's position, considering it a hindrance to the progress of discussions on deconfliction. They expressed their disappointment with the burden of conditions imposed by the US President on Hamas. The organization believes that Biden's comment has delayed the ongoing talks and undermined the potential for a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal.

Stalled Progress in Talks

The talks between Hamas and Israel, brokered by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States, have hit a roadblock due to Israeli military operations in southern Gaza's Rafah. Hamas accuses Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of attempting to reverse the progress of the negotiations by attacking Rafah. They claim that Netanyahu is using the discussions as a shield to conceal the attack on Gaza.

US Position and Meeting with Families

President Biden has confirmed that the United States will not provide any weapons to Israel for the Rafah operation. In response to the ongoing conflict, the families of five American citizens killed in Gaza by Hamas met with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Middle East Coordinator Brett McGurk. The families expressed their disappointment with the efforts made so far, particularly after Hamas released videos depicting immobilized, thin, pale, and depressed individuals.

The remarks made by President Joe Biden regarding the possibility of implementing war, along with Hamas' response, have created a setback in the progress of discussions on deconfliction. The talks between Hamas and Israel have stalled due to Israeli military operations in Rafah, with Hamas accusing Prime Minister Netanyahu of obstructing the negotiations. The meeting between the families of American citizens killed in Gaza and US officials highlights the ongoing concerns and disappointment surrounding the conflict. The situation remains complex and requires further diplomatic efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution.


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