Tragic deaths of Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke

Tragic deaths of Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke

Tragic deaths of Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke

An inquest at Bradford Coroner’s Court revealed the tragic circumstances surrounding the deaths of Luke Cannon, 31, and his partner, Georgia Brooke, 26. Mr. Cannon took his own life hours after learning that Ms. Brooke had died following consensual sexual activity involving choking, which took place after both had consumed the drug GHB.

Details of the Incident

On the night of February 3, 2022, Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke consumed GHB, a recreational drug, before engaging in sexual activity at Mr. Cannon’s residence on Woodhall Avenue, Bradford. During the encounter, Ms. Brooke lost consciousness, prompting Mr. Cannon to call for medical assistance at approximately 23:25 GMT. Ms. Brooke was transported to Bradford Royal Infirmary, where she was pronounced dead five minutes after her arrival.

Inquest Findings

Senior Coroner Martin Fleming determined that Ms. Brooke’s death resulted from excessive force applied to her neck during consensual sexual choking, a practice he described as "dangerous" and prone to fatal outcomes. The inquest highlighted that while there was no intention to kill, the force used by Mr. Cannon was deemed excessive, leading to a verdict of unlawful killing.

Subsequent Events

Following Ms. Brooke’s death, Mr. Cannon was distraught and remorseful, as evidenced by CCTV footage showing him in a distressed state at the hospital. Shortly after being informed of her death, Mr. Cannon attempted to contact Ms. Brooke’s mother and then left the hospital around 00:45 GMT. He was found deceased in a wooded area off Duckworth Lane the next morning. The coroner recorded a verdict of suicide, noting that Mr. Cannon had intended to end his life.

Background Information

Luke Cannon was described by his parents as a vibrant individual who worked as a model, TV extra, personal trainer, and laborer. Despite leading a seemingly healthy lifestyle, Mr. Cannon had a history of using steroids and cocaine. Ms. Brooke, a dancer, was referred to affectionately by Mr. Cannon as “Chloe,” a nickname her mother believed was a form of control, although Mrs. Cannon disputed any signs of coercion in their relationship.

Coroner’s Remarks

Coroner Martin Fleming expressed condolences to both families, acknowledging the deep loss they experienced. He emphasized the hope that in time, they would be able to focus on positive memories of their loved ones.

The deaths of Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke underscore the dangers associated with the practice of sexual choking, especially when substances like GHB are involved. This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential fatal consequences of such activities and the profound impact on the families left behind.


In light of this tragedy, it is recommended that awareness campaigns be initiated to educate the public about the risks of consensual choking during sexual activities. Additionally, promoting mental health support and substance abuse counseling could help prevent similar incidents in the future.


The coroner's court and the police conducted thorough investigations into the circumstances surrounding these deaths. The sincere condolences of the community are extended to the families of Luke Cannon and Georgia Brooke during this difficult time.


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