US Sanctions Against Former Army Chief Aziz Ahmed

former Bangladesh Army Chief General Aziz Ahmed

former Bangladesh Army Chief General Aziz Ahmed

The United States has imposed sanctions on former Bangladesh Army Chief General Aziz Ahmed, citing significant corruption charges. The sanctions, announced by US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, render Aziz Ahmed and his family members ineligible to enter the United States. This move underscores the US commitment to supporting anti-corruption efforts and strengthening democratic institutions in Bangladesh.


General Aziz Ahmed served as the Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh from June 25, 2018, to June 24, 2021. His tenure was marred by allegations of corruption and interference in governmental processes. In December 2021, rumors circulated about the cancellation of his US visa, which both the US State Department and Aziz Ahmed initially denied.

Details of the Sanctions

  1. The US State Department has formally identified General Aziz Ahmed on significant corruption charges. The specific allegations include- 
  2. Undermining Public Confidence: Aziz Ahmed’s actions reportedly eroded public trust in government institutions and processes.
  3. Interference in Accountability: He is accused of aiding his brother in evading accountability for criminal offenses, thus interfering with judicial and governmental procedures.
  4. Corruption: The US alleges that Aziz Ahmed’s activities constituted significant corruption by manipulating government processes for personal or familial gain.

Impact of the Sanctions

The sanctions prevent Aziz Ahmed and his family members from entering the United States. This measure highlights the US's dedication to promoting transparency and accountability within Bangladesh’s governmental framework.

US Commitment to Anti-Corruption

The US State Department’s decision to sanction General Aziz Ahmed aligns with its broader objectives of supporting anti-corruption initiatives in Bangladesh. Key efforts include:

  1. Enhancing Transparency: Aiding in making government services more transparent and cost-effective.
  2. Improving the Business Environment: Enhancing the regulatory environment to foster better business practices.
  3. Strengthening Legal Frameworks: Building capacity to investigate and prosecute money laundering and other financial crimes.

The sanctions against former Army Chief General Aziz Ahmed reflect a significant step by the United States to combat corruption and support democratic institutions in Bangladesh. By holding individuals accountable for corrupt practices, the US reaffirms its commitment to the rule of law and the integrity of governmental institutions.


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