Bangladeshi Youth Sets World Skydiving Record

Bangladeshi skydiver Ashiq Chowdhury

Bangladeshi skydiver Ashiq Chowdhury

Memphis, USA - Bangladeshi skydiver Ashiq Chowdhury has made history by setting a new world record for skydiving from an airplane flying at an altitude of 41,000 feet, while carrying the red and green flag of Bangladesh. This extraordinary feat was accomplished on Saturday evening, around 9 pm, when Ashiq successfully landed at an airfield in Memphis, USA.

Ashiq's father, AKM Harun Chowdhury, a former chairman of Civil Aviation, proudly confirmed the achievement, expressing immense pride in his son's success. The adventure was sponsored by United Commercial Bank Plc (UNI), underscoring the significant support Ashiq received for this daring endeavor.

Skydiving, a sport known for its thrill and sense of freedom, has captivated Ashiq since 2012. Born and raised in Jessore, Ashiq's passion for skydiving was inspired by his father, who is a pilot. His remarkable journey in skydiving includes nearly 50 jumps over the past twelve years. This latest jump, however, stands out not only for its altitude but also for the symbolic act of carrying the Bangladeshi flag, a feat never attempted before at such a height.

In preparation for this record-breaking jump, Ashiq highlighted the unique challenges associated with skydiving from 41,000 feet. Typically, commercial airplanes fly below 35,000 feet, necessitating the use of special aircraft to reach higher altitudes. Favorable weather conditions, which are more reliably found in the skies over US airfields, were also crucial for the success of this endeavor.

Ashiq described the exhilarating experience of skydiving as a blend of freedom and thrill that continually motivates him to push his limits and explore new heights. His mother, Mahmuda Parveen, has been a constant source of encouragement, alongside his uncle, Dr. ATM Tarikuzzaman, the Commissioner of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), who inspired Ashiq to pursue daring challenges.

With this incredible achievement, Ashiq Chowdhury not only sets a new benchmark in the world of skydiving but also brings honor to Bangladesh on the global stage. His record is now officially recognized by the Guinness World Records, cementing his place in history as a pioneering skydiver.

Profile of Ashiq Chowdhury

  1. Age: 40
  2. Occupation: Banker
  3. Hometown: Jessore, Bangladesh
  4. Skydiving Debut: 2012
  5. Total Jumps: Approximately 50

Notable Achievement: First person to skydive from 41,000 feet carrying the Bangladeshi flag Ashiq's dedication and adventurous spirit serve as an inspiration to many, demonstrating that with determination and support, even the sky is not the limit.


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