78 MPs have left the party, Sunak is in trouble

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

As the United Kingdom approaches its national election, the ruling Conservative Party is witnessing a significant number of resignations among its Members of Parliament (MPs). As of yesterday, 78 Conservative MPs have resigned, surpassing the party's previous record of 72 resignations set during the landslide defeat in 1997, 27 years ago. This situation places Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in a precarious position as he leads the party into the June 4 election. This report, based on news from Reuters, examines the factors contributing to the resignations and the implications for the Conservative Party.

Key Resignations and Statements

Among the notable resignations are former Prime Minister Theresa May and former Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. Last Friday, senior MP and influential government figure Michael Gove also resigned. In his resignation letter, Gove stated, "There comes a time when you think you should leave and a new generation should take over."

Additionally, Minister Andrea Leadsom announced that she will not be running in the upcoming election. Leadsom, who contested the Conservative leadership in 2016 but lost to Theresa May, is another significant figure stepping away from the party.

Reasons Behind the Resignations

The reasons behind the mass exodus of Conservative MPs vary. Some attribute the resignations to dissatisfaction with the party's direction under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's leadership. Others cite the party's slim chances of winning the next election, as reflected in recent public opinion polls. Many MPs have also pointed to internal conflicts and polarization within the party as contributing factors.

Public Opinion and Polls

Since Rishi Sunak, of Indian origin, assumed office in 2022, the Conservative Party has faced several challenges, including high inflation and declining public support. Public opinion polls consistently show that the Conservative Party is trailing behind the opposition Labour Party, suggesting a likely defeat in the upcoming election.

Official Responses

Defense Minister Grant Shapps has downplayed the significance of the resignations, asserting that such occurrences are not unusual. However, the timing and volume of resignations suggest deeper issues within the party.

Election Campaign and Strategy

Prime Minister Sunak has been heavily involved in the election campaign. Despite this, the resignations of senior leaders have posed significant challenges. On a recent Saturday, Sunak opted to spend time with close advisers rather than engaging with the public, a move some have deemed unusual for an election strategy session.


The increasing number of resignations among Conservative MPs signals a tumultuous period for the party as it prepares for the national election. The departure of senior and influential figures underscores internal strife and dwindling confidence in the party's leadership and electoral prospects. As Prime Minister Rishi Sunak navigates these challenges, the Conservative Party faces a critical juncture that will determine its future direction and political standing.


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