I hope to get justice: Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus Secures Bail in Labour Law Violation Case

Renowned economist and Nobel laureate, Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who serves as the chairman of Grameen Telecom, has recently secured bail from the Labour Appellate Tribunal in a labor law violation case. The legal proceedings unfolded at the tribunal premises in the capital’s Kakrail area, where Dr. Yunus spoke to the media expressing his hope for justice.

Dr. Yunus, addressing the media just after receiving bail, conveyed his optimism regarding the judicial process. He stated, “I hope to get justice. It is the desire of a citizen – I will get justice from the country’s judiciary system. That’s what I am hoping for." He emphasized his belief in the legal system and his expectation to be treated like any other citizen.

Expressing gratitude to all involved in the legal proceedings, Dr. Yunus thanked everyone for their contributions to ensuring that the legal matters are handled efficiently. Despite the challenges posed by legal procedures, he underscored the collective aspiration for the country's prosperity and the citizens' continued engagement in meaningful work.

“We all want the country to prosper. We all want to remain engaged in the work for the country. We have to spend our time on these legal matters, which is a loss to us, everyone. Still, let the legal process continue. Through this, we all can live in peace," he added.

Dr. Yunus candidly acknowledged the time-consuming nature of legal procedures and their impact on individuals. “It takes time. It keeps us all busy when we could do other things. Now, our time has come, time to do many things. There is a necessity for work; we wish we could engage ourselves here. In this circumstance, all these hurt us emotionally, hinder our work," he remarked. This highlights the emotional toll and disruption caused by the legal process on individuals' professional and personal lives.

Dr. Muhammad Yunus' securing of bail in the labor law violation case marks a crucial development in the ongoing legal proceedings. His optimistic outlook, belief in justice, and acknowledgment of the challenges posed by legal matters provide insights into the complexities surrounding the case. As the legal process continues, it remains to be seen how these developments will impact both Dr. Yunus and the broader legal landscape.


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