Not student politics, stop apolitical politics

Not student politics, stop apolitical politics

Not student politics, stop apolitical politics

In the tumultuous landscape of Bangladeshi politics, one recurring scapegoat often finds itself in the spotlight: student politics. Time and again, when crises emerge within educational institutions, the knee-jerk reaction is to blame student politics. This knee-jerk reaction is not only unfair but also detrimental to the development of a vibrant and engaged citizenry.

In Bangladesh, there exists a pervasive sentiment that student politics is akin to a "poor man's wife," bearing the brunt of blame whenever trouble arises. However, this narrative overlooks the multifaceted nature of societal issues and unfairly singles out one aspect as the sole culprit. The question begs: why should student politics shoulder all the blame while other professions remain unscathed? The truth is, degradation can be found in all professions to varying degrees, yet the demand to stop student politics persists unabated.

What is even more concerning is the emergence of an apolitical generation, smartly proclaiming their aversion to politics. This apolitical stance, while seemingly harmless, reflects a broader trend of disillusionment and disengagement from the political process. This trend is dangerous, as it breeds complacency and allows for the perpetuation of injustices without accountability.

Contrary to popular belief, student politics serves as a vital training ground for future leaders. It instills values of bravery, responsibility, and selflessness, qualities that are indispensable in navigating life's challenges. Moreover, student politics fosters critical thinking and encourages active participation in shaping the future of the nation.

Let us not forget the rich tradition of student activism in Bangladesh, which has played a pivotal role in shaping the country's history. From the language movement of '52 to the liberation war of '71, student movements have been at the forefront of societal change, fighting for justice and freedom.

Instead of vilifying student politics, we should focus on addressing the root causes of societal issues and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency. Blanket bans on student politics only serve to stifle dissent and suppress the voices of future leaders.

In the aftermath of recent tragedies, such as the murder of Abrar, calls to ban student politics have grown louder. However, banning student politics is not the solution. Rather, we should strive to create a conducive environment for healthy and constructive student engagement.

Let us reclaim the fair and democratic spirit of student politics and uphold the right of students to participate in shaping their own destinies. As we move forward, let us remember the words of Rabindranath Tagore: "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, let my country awake."

It is time to embrace student politics as a force for positive change and usher in a new era of empowered youth leadership in Bangladesh.

Mostafizur Rahman,
Publisher and Editor- projonmokantho 


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