A call to ensure universal access to quality healthcare

Saima Wazed, the Regional Director of WHO South-East Asia Region

Saima Wazed, the Regional Director of WHO South-East Asia Region

Saima Wazed, the Regional Director of WHO South-East Asia Region, emphasized the significance of realizing the right to health for all individuals. In a statement preceding World Health Day, she highlighted the importance of ensuring access to high-quality health services, alongside addressing the underlying determinants of health.

Current Situation

The region has made notable progress in various health indicators. The Universal Health Coverage Service coverage index has seen improvement, with significant enhancements in medical personnel density and reductions in maternal and child mortality rates. Additionally, there have been declines in new HIV infections and malaria incidence.

Challenges Ahead

Despite these advancements, significant challenges persist. Nearly 40% of the population lacks essential health service coverage, while investment in health by national governments remains insufficient, leading to high out-of-pocket expenditures. The rise in TB mortality rate and persistent high probability of death from major diseases highlight ongoing health threats.

Inequities and Discrimination

Inequities in access to healthcare persist, particularly affecting marginalized groups. Gender inequality hampers equitable access to diagnosis and treatment, with violence against women and girls remaining pervasive. Stigma and discrimination related to certain health conditions further exacerbate the challenges faced by vulnerable populations.

Human Rights-Based Approach

Saima underscored the importance of a human rights-based approach to health, emphasizing equality, participation, and accountability. Governments and duty-bearers are urged to respect, protect, and fulfill the right to health, necessitating increased investments in health and the establishment of supportive legal frameworks.


WHO reaffirms its commitment to advancing the right to health and other human rights. The call to action is clear: collective efforts are needed to address the persistent challenges and ensure that the right to health becomes a reality for all individuals in the WHO South-East Asia Region.


  1. Increase investments in health to advance universal health coverage.
  2. Establish supportive legal frameworks to address health challenges effectively.
  3. Combat gender inequality and violence against women to ensure equitable access to healthcare.
  4. Address stigma and discrimination associated with certain health conditions.
  5. Implement a human rights-based approach, emphasizing equality, participation, and accountability.
  6. As World Health Day approaches, let us reaffirm our commitment to realizing the right to health for all individuals, ensuring that no one is left behind in our pursuit of a healthier and more equitable world.

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