Report on Fuel Price Hike in Bangladesh

Report on Fuel Price Hike in Bangladesh

Report on Fuel Price Hike in Bangladesh

Fuel prices in Bangladesh have risen once again, aligning with global market trends. The government has announced new prices for diesel, kerosene, octane, and petrol, effective from tomorrow, in response to changes in the international market.

New Price Determination: The Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources issued a notification on Tuesday (April 30), announcing the third consecutive adjustment in fuel prices to align with global market trends. The new prices will come into effect from tomorrow.

Price Revision Details: According to the notification, the price of diesel and kerosene has been increased from Tk 106 to Tk 107 per liter. Similarly, the price of octane has been raised from Tk 126 to Tk 128.50 per liter, while petrol's price has been increased from Tk 122 to Tk 124.50 per liter.

Incremental Changes: The latest price adjustments mark an increment of Tk 1 per liter for diesel and kerosene, and Tk 2.50 per liter for octane and petrol, compared to the previous rates.

Continued Price Fluctuations: The government has been closely monitoring global fuel market trends to determine domestic prices. This adjustment comes after a series of fluctuations in fuel prices globally, necessitating periodic revisions in Bangladesh.

Previous Price Adjustments: On March 31, the government had reduced fuel prices by Tk 2.25 per liter for diesel and kerosene, setting them at Tk 106 per liter. Additionally, the prices of octane and petrol were reduced to Tk 125 and Tk 130 per liter, respectively.

Global Market Influence: International market dynamics, including fluctuations in crude oil prices and currency exchange rates, continue to impact fuel prices in Bangladesh. The government remains vigilant in responding to these fluctuations to ensure stability in the domestic market.

Impact on Consumers: The increase in fuel prices is expected to have a cascading effect on transportation costs and commodity prices, potentially impacting consumers' purchasing power and living expenses.

Government Response: The government has emphasized the need for efficient energy consumption and has urged consumers to adopt responsible energy practices to mitigate the impact of price hikes.

The government's decision to adjust fuel prices reflects its commitment to align domestic prices with global market trends. While these adjustments aim to maintain market stability, it is essential for consumers to adopt energy-efficient practices to mitigate the impact of price fluctuations on their daily lives.


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