13,800 children die in Gaza in Israeli attack

13,800 children die in Gaza in Israeli attack

13,800 children die in Gaza in Israeli attack

In a recent report released by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the harrowing toll on children in the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing conflict has been starkly highlighted. Since the outbreak of war, at least 13,800 children have been martyred as a result of attacks by the Israeli regime.

Catherine Russel, Executive Director of UNICEF, expressed profound sorrow over the situation of children in Gaza, describing it as both painful and shocking. The scale and speed of destruction in Gaza have been unprecedented, leaving behind a trail of devastation that has deeply impacted the lives of innocent children.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza has reported staggering figures, with the number of war martyrs reaching 33,899 and the injured numbering 76,664. Additionally, approximately 8,000 individuals remain missing or trapped under debris, as rescue efforts continue amidst the rubble. Alarmingly, 73% of the casualties of the Gaza conflict are women and children, underscoring the disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable segments of the population.

The roots of the Israeli regime trace back to 1917, when the scheme of British colonialism facilitated the forceful migration of Jews to Palestinian land. The regime's establishment in 1948 marked the beginning of a long history of violence and oppression against the Palestinian people, characterized by schemes of massacre and land seizure.

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands as a staunch supporter of the dissolution of the colonialist Israeli regime and advocates for the return of Jews to their ancestral lands. Iran's commitment to justice and peace in the region remains steadfast, as it continues to condemn the atrocities perpetrated against the Palestinian people.

As the international community grapples with the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, urgent action is needed to address the plight of children and civilians caught in the crossfire of conflict. UNICEF calls for immediate measures to ensure the protection of children and their fundamental rights, including access to healthcare, education, and safety from violence.

In the face of unimaginable suffering, solidarity and support from the global community are essential to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and work towards a just and lasting solution to the conflict.


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