Turkey has stopped all trade with Israel

Turkey has stopped all trade with Israel

Turkey has stopped all trade with Israel

Turkey has announced a complete halt on all exports and imports to and from Israel, effective Thursday, according to a statement from the Turkish trade ministry. The decision is attributed to the "worsening humanitarian tragedy" in the Palestinian territories, particularly Gaza. This move underscores Turkey's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its commitment to ensuring the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

The Turkish trade ministry declared a cessation of all export and import transactions with Israel, covering all products. This decision is motivated by Turkey's insistence on the uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Israel's foreign minister criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accusing him of behaving like a dictator by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports. He emphasized that such actions disregard the interests of Turkish people and businesses, and violate international trade agreements.

In response to Turkey's trade restrictions, Israel's foreign ministry is exploring alternatives for trade, focusing on local production and imports from other countries.

Bloomberg reported earlier on Thursday about Turkey's decision, citing information from two Turkish officials. The halt in trade comes despite a trade volume of $6.8 billion between the two countries in 2023.

This move follows Turkey's previous imposition of trade restrictions on Israel, citing Israel's refusal to allow Ankara to participate in aid air-drop operations for Gaza and its offensive on the enclave.

Turkey's decision to halt all trade with Israel is a significant escalation in the ongoing tensions between the two nations, particularly concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By taking this step, Turkey is sending a strong message about its commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause and condemning what it perceives as Israeli aggression in Gaza. However, the impact of this decision extends beyond political rhetoric, potentially affecting businesses and economies in both countries. The response from Israel, including efforts to find alternative trade partners, reflects the practical implications of Turkey's trade restrictions.

Turkey's decision to cease all trade with Israel underscores the depth of its commitment to the Palestinian cause and its dissatisfaction with Israel's actions in Gaza. The ramifications of this move are likely to be felt economically and diplomatically, highlighting the complexities of regional relationships amidst ongoing conflict in the Middle East.


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