Barrister Suman: Pioneering Transparency in Governance

Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman

Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman

Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman, the newly elected Member of Parliament representing Habiganj-4 (Chunarughat-Madhavpur), has ushered in a new era of transparency and accountability in governance. Since assuming office, Barrister Suman has not only been vocal about the issues plaguing his constituency but has also taken the unprecedented step of sharing the government allocations he receives as an MP on social media platforms, particularly Facebook.

In a recent interview, Barrister Suman articulated the rationale behind his decision to publicly disclose the allocation funds. He emphasized that transparency is not merely a buzzword but a fundamental right of the citizens. "Everyone has the right to know," he asserted, underlining his belief in the democratic principle of informed citizenry.

Barrister Suman sees it as his solemn duty as a representative to keep his constituents informed about the allocation of public funds. He noted that his constituents entrusted him with their votes based on his track record of advocacy and transparency, particularly evident through his active engagement on social media platforms.

One of the critical points Barrister Suman highlighted was the importance of accountability in budget allocation. He argued that if the budget remains shrouded in secrecy, it undermines the democratic process and perpetuates the misallocation or misuse of public funds. By shedding light on government allocations, Barrister Suman aims to empower his constituents to actively participate in governance and hold their representatives accountable.

Furthermore, Barrister Suman debunked the notion that government allocations are akin to personal assets, stating emphatically, "The budget is not my father's money." He emphasized the significance of public funds and the need for their responsible utilization for the betterment of society.

In essence, Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman's approach exemplifies a paradigm shift in governance—a departure from the traditional opacity to a more transparent and participatory model. By leveraging social media as a tool for accountability, Barrister Suman sets a precedent for elected officials to embrace openness and engage with their constituents actively. His actions underscore the vital role of transparency in fostering trust, accountability, and ultimately, effective governance.


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