Donald Lu participated in women's cricket match

US Assistant Secretary of State, Donald Lu

US Assistant Secretary of State, Donald Lu

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Donald Lu, along with US Ambassador to Dhaka, Peter D. Haas, engaged in a friendly cricket match with members of the Bangladesh women's cricket team at the Bashundhara Sports Complex in Dhaka on Wednesday. This event marked a significant moment of sports diplomacy, aiming to strengthen the bilateral relations between the United States and Bangladesh.

Participants: US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu, US Ambassador to Dhaka Peter D. Haas, Bangladesh women's cricket team

Expression of Good Wishes: Donald Lu conveyed his best wishes for the Bangladesh national cricket team, acknowledging the passion for cricket among the people of Bangladesh. He expressed delight over the opportunity to engage in cricket activities and reiterated the United States' pleasure in hosting cricket series.

Support for Women's Cricket World Cup: Lu expressed happiness over Bangladesh's hosting of the Women's Cricket World Cup, highlighting the importance of promoting women's cricket on the global stage.

Acknowledgment of Umpire Sathira Zakir JC: Lu commended the umpiring skills of Sathira Zakir JC, describing him as a world-class umpire. He expressed gratitude for Zakir's contribution to the smooth conduct of the match.

Warm Welcome: Upon their arrival at the Bashundhara Sports Complex, Lu and Haas received jerseys and flowers, symbolizing the warm reception extended by the hosts. Safwan Sobhan, Vice Chairman of Bashundhara Group, congratulated them on their visit.

Purpose of Visit: Donald Lu's visit to Dhaka, spanning three days from May 14, aims to strengthen ties between the United States and Bangladesh, with a focus on matters pertaining to South and Central Asian affairs.

The participation of US officials in a friendly cricket match with the Bangladesh women's cricket team underscores the significance of sports diplomacy in fostering mutual understanding and goodwill between nations. The event not only promotes cultural exchange but also reflects the shared enthusiasm for cricket, a sport that holds a special place in the hearts of both Bangladeshis and Americans. Donald Lu's visit to Dhaka serves as a testament to the enduring partnership between the United States and Bangladesh, encompassing various realms of cooperation beyond traditional diplomatic channels.


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