Today is the birthday of the great hero

Today is the birthday of the great hero

Today is the birthday of the great hero

Today is the birthday of the great hero

Author- M R Tipu

In the heart of Bangladesh, a legend was born,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, to adorn.
With wisdom and valor, he led the way,
A beacon of hope, on this historic day.

On the 104th anniversary of his birth,
We celebrate his legacy, his infinite worth.
A leader unmatched, with vision so bright,
Guiding his people towards freedom's light.

From the villages to the cities, his voice resounds,
Championing justice, where injustice abounds.
With courage and conviction, he fought the fight,
For the rights of his people, with all his might.

National Children's Day, a day of joy and cheer,
Honoring Bangabandhu, whom we hold dear.
For he cherished the youth, our hope for tomorrow,
Nurturing dreams, banishing sorrow.

His self-sacrifice, a lesson so profound,
In service to his nation, he knew no bound.
His spirit lives on, in every heart,
Inspiring us to play our part.

So let us remember, on this special day,
The legacy of Bangabandhu, in every way.
His vision, his courage, his undying flame,
Forever etched in our nation's name. 


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