Report on Teen Gang Crimes in Bangladesh

Panic is the name of Teen Gang, 86 murders in the capital in 15 years

Panic is the name of Teen Gang, 86 murders in the capital in 15 years

In recent years, Bangladesh has been grappling with a rising trend in teen gang crimes, with incidents ranging from robbery and extortion to brutal murders. These gangs, comprised of teenagers dressed in black attire and masks, wielding native weapons like sharp chapatis, have instilled fear among the populace. Law enforcement agencies have noted a surge in such crimes, indicating a concerning escalation in juvenile delinquency across the country.

Incidents of Teen Gang Crimes

One of the notable incidents occurred on February 20, in Psiculture Housing, Mohammadpur Shekhartek, where a group of teenagers attacked and robbed four individuals at gunpoint. Two victims managed to escape, but the other two were subjected to violence using chapatis as weapons, highlighting the brutality of these gangs. This incident is just one of many, as similar crimes have been reported throughout the capital and beyond.

Extent of Teen Gang Activities

Research conducted by Projonmokantho has shed light on the pervasive nature of teen gang activities, which extend beyond simple robbery to include drug dealing, extortion, and even murder. Shockingly, Dhaka Children's Court records indicate that 86 murders in the past 15 years can be attributed to teen gang culture and inter-gang conflicts. Dhaka Metropolitan Police sources report a staggering 34 teenagers killed in the past two years alone due to gang-related violence.

Scope and Reach of Teen Gangs

According to police reports, there are approximately 173 teen gangs operating across the country, with Dhaka and Chittagong being major hubs. Each gang comprises 10 to 50 members, totaling around 900 accused individuals involved in various criminal activities. What's more alarming is the expansion of these gangs into rural areas and border regions, exacerbating the challenges faced by law enforcement.

Influence of Local Leaders

Investigations into teen gang activities have revealed a disturbing trend wherein influential local political leaders, or 'big brothers', provide direct support and shelter to these delinquent groups. This patronage has emboldened the gangs, leading to an escalation in their criminal endeavors.

Public Fear and Consequences

The spate of armed robberies and violent incidents perpetrated by teen gangs has left the general public in a state of panic and insecurity. The September 29 incident in Basila Garden City, where 20 individuals were injured and robbed, serves as a stark reminder of the havoc wreaked by these gangs. The brutal methods employed, including dismemberment of victims' bodies, underscore the ruthlessness of these criminals.

The proliferation of teen gangs and their increasingly audacious criminal activities pose a significant challenge to law enforcement and public safety in Bangladesh. Urgent measures are needed to curb this menace, including targeted interventions to address the root causes of juvenile delinquency and dismantling the networks that enable these gangs to thrive. Failure to act decisively may result in further escalation of violence and loss of innocent lives.


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