Security Measures for Pahela Boishakh Celebrations 

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Habibur Rahman has addressed the press regarding the security measures in place for the upcoming Pahela Boishakh celebrations in Dhaka. This report outlines the comprehensive security arrangements undertaken to ensure the safety of attendees during the cultural festivities.

Security Briefing

Commissioner Habibur Rahman emphasized that while there is no specific threat information related to the Pahela Boishakh celebrations, the DMP has implemented robust precautionary measures. The briefing took place at Ramna Botomul of Ramna Park, underscoring the importance of public safety during such gatherings.

Key Security Measures

  1. Event Schedule: All scheduled events will conclude by 5 pm, with immediate clearance of the premises thereafter.
  2. Surveillance: Extensive CCTV surveillance, drone monitoring, and strategically placed watchtowers will provide comprehensive coverage of event venues.
  3. Security Assessment: The Bomb Disposal Unit has conducted a preliminary security assessment and defined clear roles for maintaining safety.
  4. Traffic Control: Traffic control measures will be enforced around Dhaka University and the Ramna Park area, with diversions starting in the evening to facilitate secure celebrations.
  5. Venue Security: Tight security at Ramna Botomul will include the installation of archways and metal detectors at entry points, with access permitted until 5 pm.
  6. Additional Security Layers: Support from DMP's Detective Branch and plainclothes officers, both inside and outside the venue, will enhance security. Tourist police will assist international visitors.
  7. Health and Safety: A temporary medical center provided by Dhaka Medical College will handle medical emergencies. Additional facilities such as Lost and Found center and a blood donation station will be accessible to attendees.

The DMP has taken proactive steps to ensure the safety and security of participants during the Pahela Boishakh celebrations. With comprehensive measures in place, attendees can enjoy the festivities with confidence in their well-being.


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