Alleged Forgery and Cheating by S.M Alamgir Kabir

Prof. Dr. Md. Alamgir Kabir

Prof. Dr. Md. Alamgir Kabir

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed a case against Dr. S.M. Alamgir Kabir, an official previously serving as the APS of the Minister of State for External Affairs. The case accuses him of forgery and cheating in connection with his appointments and qualifications during his tenure at the Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia and subsequent employment as the Project Director of IMPACT III Phase of Youth Development Department.


Dr. S.M. Alamgir Kabir served for 18 years in the Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia, initially as the APS of the State Minister for Foreign Affairs and later as the third secretary. His appointment was purportedly under the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) general education cadre. However, investigations have revealed discrepancies in his qualifications and the authenticity of his appointment.


The case filed by the ACC accuses Dr. Kabir of forgery and cheating under Section 420/467/468/471 of the Penal Code, 1860, and Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947. It alleges that Dr. Kabir falsified his credentials to secure positions he was not qualified for, both in terms of educational qualifications and requisite experience.

Investigation Findings

Upon investigation, it was discovered that Dr. Kabir submitted a forged Ph.D. degree from Kabir Kamden University, Malaysia Campus, as part of his qualifications. No registered educational institution by that name was found in Malaysia, casting doubt on the legitimacy of his degree. Furthermore, he fell short of the minimum teaching experience required for the position of Associate Professor by 2 years, 3 months, and 11 days.


The findings of the investigation strongly suggest that Dr. S.M. Alamgir Kabir engaged in fraudulent activities to secure his appointments and qualifications. His actions not only undermine the integrity of the civil service but also raise serious concerns about the vetting processes in place for such appointments. It is imperative that appropriate legal action be taken against Dr. Kabir to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability within the government.


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