Amir Hamza worked for the militant organization

Mufti Amir Hamza

Mufti Amir Hamza

The Counter Terrorism Investigation Department (CTID) has recently taken significant action in a case involving Mufti Amir Hamza and four others, issuing a chargesheet under the Anti-Terrorism Act. The chargesheet alleges involvement in activities aimed at destabilizing public security and promoting the agenda of a banned militant organization, including incitement to violence and support for Jihad.

Details of the Case

Accused Individuals: Mufti Amir Hamza, Mehdi Hasan, Aliun Nabi Sabuj, Md. Kader Kibria Sagar, and M Jubair Ahmed.

Charges Against Mufti Amir Hamza: Travelling across Bangladesh in a Pajero jeep to strengthen a banned militant organization, inciting citizens against the state, promoting disruption of public security, and encouraging participation in Jihad.

Plaintiff: Sub-Inspector Md Mokhlesur Rahman of CTID filed the case at Darus Salam police station in the capital on October 24, 2020.

Investigating Officer: Inspector Kazi Mizanur Rahman from CTID submitted the chargesheet to the court on March 28, 2024.

Acquittal Recommendations: Accused individuals Md. Asaduzzaman Asad, Tasnimul Karim Rizvi, and Abdullah Al Amin have been recommended for exemption from the case due to lack of evidence.

Accusations Against M Jubair Ahmed: Membership in a proscribed militant organization, advocacy for its ideology, conspiracy to commit crimes, and attempted criminal activities.


Police Inspector's Statement: Inspector Kazi Mizanur Rahman confirmed the issuance of the chargesheet against five individuals, with three recommended for acquittal, and emphasized the role of witnesses in proving the case in court.

Defense Lawyer's Statement: SM Muntasir Mamun, representing Mufti Amir Hamza, expressed intentions to seek his client's release through proper investigation and, if necessary, to prove his innocence in a legal battle.

Incident in October 2020

Individuals were reportedly preparing for a secret meeting near the Gabtali inter-district bus terminal in the capital. Upon receiving information, members of the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit intervened. A case was registered under the Anti-Terrorism Act after one person was arrested from the scene.

The chargesheet against the accused individuals marks a significant step in combating terrorism and ensuring public safety. The case highlights the ongoing efforts of law enforcement agencies to address threats posed by banned militant organizations. As legal proceedings unfold, the defense prepares to contest the charges while the prosecution relies on witness testimony to substantiate the allegations.


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