RAB has strengthened security on Eid

 Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)

As the anticipation for Eid-ul-Fitr builds up, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has stepped up its efforts to ensure the safety and security of citizens during the festive period. This move comes in response to directives from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, emphasizing the paramount importance of safeguarding the populace.

Commander Khandaker Al Moin, Director of RAB's Legal and Media Wing, underscored the gravity of the situation during a press briefing held at Kamalapur railway station. He articulated that stringent security measures have been enacted to facilitate smooth movement and protect the well-being of individuals as Eid approaches.

"We are diligently implementing the instructions provided by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to uphold public safety. RAB has executed numerous operations, employing rigorous measures to enforce the law and ensure compliance," Commander Al Moin affirmed.

Highlighting the collaborative efforts with intelligence agencies, he elucidated the meticulous station-wise security arrangements in place. Plainclothes detectives have been deployed extensively to bolster surveillance, while a considerable contingent of RAB personnel has been stationed at various strategic points.

The commander emphasized RAB's unwavering readiness to confront any exigency, reiterating the organization's commitment to facilitating secure journeys for passengers. Furthermore, he underscored the vigilance maintained in the cyber domain, aimed at preempting any potential threats.

In response to queries regarding ticket scalping, Commander Al Moin revealed proactive measures undertaken in conjunction with Bangladesh Railways to curb illicit practices. "Recent operations have led to the apprehension of several ticket scalpers, and strict legal actions will be taken against any individual found engaging in such malpractices," he affirmed.

In a plea directed towards travelers, the RAB commander urged adherence to regulations to avert risks to life and limb. "We implore passengers to prioritize safety and comply with travel protocols to ensure a tranquil Eid celebration with their loved ones," he implored.

In conclusion, RAB's proactive stance underscores its unwavering commitment to safeguarding public welfare and upholding law and order during the festive season, thereby fostering an environment conducive to joyful festivities.


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