Bangladeshi asylum application record in Europe

Bangladeshi asylum application record in Europe

Bangladeshi asylum application record in Europe

In 2023, Europe witnessed an unprecedented surge in asylum applications from Bangladesh, as revealed by the 'Latest Asylum Trends 2023' report published by the European Union's refugee agency, Agency for Asylum (EUAA). The report discloses that a staggering 40,332 Bangladeshis sought asylum in various countries within the EU Plus region, marking a significant increase from previous years.

Record-Breaking Numbers: The year 2023 saw the highest number of asylum applications from Bangladeshis in the past nine years. The trend has been steadily increasing, with 2022 already showing a notable rise. In 2015, only 17,217 Bangladeshis applied for asylum, reaching 40,332 in 2023.

Application Distribution: Italy emerged as the primary destination for Bangladeshi asylum seekers, with 58% of applications submitted in the country. In 2023, 23,448 Bangladeshis applied for asylum in Italy, where 69% of the applications were awaiting settlement. France and Romania followed, receiving 25% and 7% of the total applications, respectively.

Application Numbers by Year

2021: 19,994 applications
2022: 33,731 applications
2023: 40,332 applications

Response Rates: The report indicates that less than 1% of Bangladeshis received a positive response for asylum applications in Europe. This pattern has remained consistent over the past nine years, with only a slight increase to 2% in 2019.

Withdrawn Applications: A noteworthy statistic is that 2,946 Bangladeshis withdrew their asylum applications in 2023, signaling potential challenges or shifts in circumstances during the process.

Main Countries of Application

Italy: 23,448 applications
France: 10,215 applications
Romania: 2,822 applications
Austria: 1,409 applications
Greece: 640 applications
Ireland: 445 applications
Spain: 380 applications
Cyprus: 314 applications
Germany: 164 applications
Malta: 118 applications
Other countries: 377 applications

The surge in asylum applications from Bangladesh in 2023 represents a complex situation that demands further examination. Factors contributing to this rise, the challenges faced by applicants, and the overall response of European nations should be thoroughly analyzed to formulate informed policies and address the evolving dynamics of asylum-seeking patterns in the region. The findings of this report underscore the importance of a comprehensive and collaborative approach among EU member states to manage and respond to the growing demand for asylum.


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