Quader off to Singapore for routine check-up

Awami League General Secretary, Obaidul Quader

Awami League General Secretary, Obaidul Quader

Road Transport and Bridges Minister and Awami League General Secretary, Obaidul Quader, embarked on a journey to Singapore on Sunday morning to undergo a health examination. The minister's health has been a matter of concern, prompting this trip to Singapore for a comprehensive check-up.

Minister Obaidul Quader departed from Dhaka aboard Biman Bangladesh Airlines flight BG-584. The scheduled departure time was 8:30 am, but the flight took off slightly behind schedule at 8:41 am. Senior information officer of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Sheikh Walid Faiz, confirmed this information.

The primary purpose of the minister's visit to Singapore is to undergo a health check-up at the renowned Mount Elizabeth Hospital. This hospital is recognized for its world-class medical facilities and expertise, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking comprehensive health assessments.

Minister Obaidul Quader expressed his intention to return to Dhaka promptly after the health examination at Mount Elizabeth Hospital. The exact duration of his stay in Singapore is contingent upon the results of the health check-up and the recommendations provided by the medical professionals overseeing his case.

The departure of Minister Obaidul Quader for a health examination in Singapore reflects a commitment to prioritizing personal well-being, ensuring that he can continue to serve the nation effectively. The public awaits updates on the minister's health and wishes him a swift recovery. 


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