Govt appoints people to count BNP's Iftar party

BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi addresses a press briefing today

BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi addresses a press briefing today

This report aims to provide an overview of the recent statements made by BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi regarding the government's recruitment of people to count BNP's iftar parties during Ramadan. It also highlights the criticisms raised by BNP against the government's management, corruption, and its impact on the people.

Iftar Parties and BNP's Stance

According to Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, BNP believes in hosting iftar parties to uphold the sanctity of Ramadan and promote a sense of community. In contrast, he claims that Awami League indulges in cocktail parties instead. Ruhul Kabir's statement was made during a briefing held at the BNP Naya Paltan office on Friday afternoon.

Prime Minister's Remarks on BNP's Iftar Parties

Ruhul Kabir's remarks came in response to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's statement that BNP had hosted 1000 iftar parties during Ramadan. The government is said to have recruited people to count these parties. The difference of opinion between BNP and the government regarding iftar parties reflects the ideological disagreements between the two political parties.

Criticism of Government's Management and Corruption

During the briefing, Ruhul Kabir criticized the government's management and alleged corruption. He emphasized that the soaring prices of commodities had deprived the people of joy and happiness during Eid. Ruhul Kabir accused the ruling Awami League of looting billions of taka and indulging in corruption under various projects.

Tragic Incidents and Lack of Accountability

Ruhul Kabir highlighted various tragic incidents that occurred during Eid, such as road accidents, launch accidents, fires, and drowning incidents. He criticized the government for its alleged lack of accountability and indifference towards these incidents. Ruhul Kabir specifically mentioned the bridge minister's seemingly content attitude despite the suffering of the common people.

Concerns over Government's Mismanagement

According to the BNP senior joint secretary, the general public is suffering due to the government's mismanagement, which has made Dhaka city seem like a place ridden with hellfire. He mentioned instances of fires in Bailey Road and various factories, attributing these incidents as the government's "Eid gift" to the people.

BNP's Commitment to Democratic Values

Ruhul Kabir expressed BNP's commitment to standing by the repressed people, despite facing repression and torture themselves. He reiterated that BNP would continue to take to the streets to restore democracy, regardless of the challenges and threats faced.

In conclusion, the statements made by BNP's senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi shed light on the party's perspective on the government's management, corruption, and the importance BNP places on hosting iftar parties during Ramadan. The criticisms raised by BNP highlight their discontent with the current state of affairs and their commitment to working for the betterment of the people and the restoration of democracy.


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