DNCC shifted 167 beggars to government shelters

Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)

Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC)

The Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) has undertaken a proactive initiative to remove beggars from various areas within its jurisdiction. Over the course of two days, DNCC officials, along with personnel from the Department of Social Services, conducted extensive drives to free several key areas from the presence of beggars.

DNCC Regional Executive Officer and Executive Magistrates Zulkar Nayan, Mahbub Hasan, and Mahmudul Hasan led the drives, which targeted locations including Gulshan, Banani, Tejgaon, Notun Bazar, and Mirpur. The operation spanned from April 2 to April 3, resulting in the detention of a total of 167 beggars.

On April 3, 97 beggars were detained, followed by 70 on April 2 from the aforementioned areas. All detainees were subsequently transferred to government shelter homes for rehabilitation purposes.

Zulkar Nayan highlighted the increasing presence of beggars in areas previously declared as beggar-free zones within Dhaka. Particularly concerning was the harassment faced by foreign nationals, notably in diplomatic enclaves such as Gulshan and Baridhara. Nayan emphasized the DNCC's commitment to ensuring the eradication of beggars from the city, citing ongoing efforts to maintain Dhaka as a beggar-free zone.

The DNCC's recent operation underscores its dedication to maintaining the cleanliness and safety of Dhaka's urban areas. By removing beggars and relocating them to appropriate shelters, the corporation aims to address both social welfare concerns and the preservation of public spaces. Moving forward, DNCC officials have affirmed their commitment to sustaining efforts aimed at creating a beggar-free environment throughout the city.

It would be beneficial for DNCC to provide updates on the progress and outcomes of rehabilitation efforts for the detained beggars. Moreover, ongoing collaboration with relevant authorities and stakeholders, including the Department of Social Services, can enhance the effectiveness of future initiatives aimed at addressing homelessness and poverty in Dhaka.


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